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Mission & values

The NICOLE Foundation operates as a private foundation, collaborating with governments, NGOs, financial backers, and volunteers to remediate legacy contamination. Our mission is to help communities facing serious threats from legacy contamination manage these risks and in the process create new opportunities.


We endeavor to operate in accordance with our core values. We believe that partnerships are the key to accomplishing our mission. We strive to develop the most effective solutions possible. We are accountable to those we serve, and are concerned with the credibility of our actions and organization in the eyes of the public and our stakeholders.



Working together to deliver cutting-edge solutions by fostering enduring relationships with both beneficiaries and volunteers through transparent, integrated, and efficient collaboration.


We are wholly committed to diversity and inclusivity as we firmly believe this will enrich our organisation and amplify the impact and reach of our partnerships.


Leveraging the collective, long-standing expertise of our volunteer community and a dynamic advisory team of subject-matter experts, we ensure practical and results-oriented project execution. Our commitment to operational efficiency is reflected in our use of IT solutions for process automation and our meticulous volunteer-project matching, making us a lean and effective organisation.


For us, accountability extends beyond mere task completion; it's a commitment to the pursuit of excellence. We uphold this commitment through full transparency in our operations, from how our volunteers execute projects to the results we achieve, ensuring a relationship built on trust and measurable impact.


Our effectiveness in fulfilling our mission hinges on credibility, a cornerstone built on a volunteer base of highly skilled experts who consistently deliver on time and within budget. This credibility is further bolstered by transparently showcasing the impact of our work to the broader community. The independence of our foundation and volunteers is instrumental in establishing and sustaining this hard-earned credibility.


The cornerstone of any successful partnership is the congruence of values and goals, underpinned by mutual trust that stems from consistent behaviour and performance. Given the critical nature of our work and the need to uphold the reputation of all our stakeholders, it's our policy to ensure this alignment with everyone we collaborate with.


Further details can be found in our Compliance & Reporting page.


The NICOLE Foundation is a Belgian Private Foundation created as a distinct offshoot from NICOLE, a collective of professionals in the contaminated land sector spanning industry, consultancies, and academia.


Although we share roots and some overlapping membership and volunteers, the NICOLE Foundation operates as an independent legal entity, guided by a unique mission, purpose, and leadership team.


Our connection to NICOLE is maintained through board member representation. For more information about NICOLE, you're invited to visit their website at NICOLE.ORG.

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